Skin Blemishes

Advanced Electrolysis

Electrolysis is a really effective means of removing many types of skin blemishes.

Many skin blemishes used to be treated by the NHS, though these days it is rare to be able to get this now. Cathy can offer a cost effective option to remove these blemishes. The diagram below will show you the differing conditions she can treat ...

Skin Tags

These are really comon especially as we get a bit older. They're not harmful but many people with them dislike them. Often they are caused by friction so are often found around the neck, the groin, armpits, or under the breasts.

The size can range from being small (smaller than a grain of uncooked rice) to about the size of a pea.. Often when examined closely they are like a mushroom and have a stalk which connects to the body

Milia (Whiteheads)

These are another common skin problem. They are usually caused by blockages in the oil pores. Inappropriate use of face cream around the eyes (instead of a specialist eye creame) is often the cause of milia.

Thread Veins (Telangiectasia)

Telangiectases are common in areas that are easily seen (such as the lips, nose, eyes, fingers, and cheeks). They can cause discomfort, and some people find them unattractive. They occur because of a number of reasons including pregnancy, aging, high blood pressure.

Spider Naevi

Very similar to the thread veins but the veins orginate from a central place and radiate out like the legs of a spider

Hair(s) in a Mole

Many people with moles find they have one or more hairs growing from it. Electrolysis can help remove and reduce/prevent regrowth of the very coarse hairs.

Please contact Cathy for an appointment and we can look at how together we can realise your goals.