
Electrolysis has been around since the 1800's and is a proven treatment for unwanted hair. It is the only treatment approved by the British Medical Association (B.M.A.) and also the Federal Drug Agency (F.D.A.) for permanent hair removal. L.A.S.E.R. does something similar, but only offers hair reduction instead of permanent hair removal.

Cathy uses a computerised electrolysis machine which is capable of all modes of electrolysis.

What is Electrolysis?

Electrolysis is a safe and effective method of permanently removing hair.  With the choice of 3 methods, your treatment will be "tailor made" to suit you.

The electrolysis treatment you will receive will be based on of three modes of electrolysis.

Thermolysis - This uses heat to treat the hair follicle. In essence the hair follicle is causterised  and has the advantage of being very quick in treating the hairs. The type of electrolysis machine Cathy uses delivers the treatment in 1/100th of a second. It can be felt as quite comfortable because of the speed of treatment. 

Galvanic - This is the original method of electrolysis and as a result if the small electric current creates a chemical reation in the hair follicle. This prevents the hair regrowing. Galvanic Electrolysis permanent hair removal is slower than thermolysis but the chemical action to destroy the hair follicle is very effective. It is particularly suitable for people with sensitive skin and those with distorted hair follicles. Here in the UK, it is unusual to use the Galvanic method alone because it is so slow. However, you may receive Galavanic electrolysis when it is "blended" with the Thermolysis method (see below).

Blend - This combines the benefits of both Thermolysis and Galvanic methods. It benefits from the greater effectiveness of the chemical reaction caused by the Galvanic method and the warmth produced by Thermolysis increases the efficacy of the chemical reaction. Consequently, it takes longer to treat each hair than when just Thermolysis is used, but much shorter times than just Galvanic treatments. For some people they find this mode the most comfortable, but there are also certain types of hair that may require this mode.

During your first consultation in the Clinic, a "patch test" will be done to find the correct method and settings for you. 

Where can be treated? 

It is probably easier to say where can't be treated which is in the ears, nose. Pretty much most other areas are treatable with electrolysis. There may be medical complaints that are more likely to prevent treatment

Most people will probably want to remove hair somewhere on the face. Many of us get coarser hairs on our chin or top lip as we age. For some it may be a genetic hair pattern, and for others it may be due to hormones such as in polycystic ovaries or the menopause.

 If you want your eyebrows shaped, Cathy will treat this area, but will do more of a broader shaping because eyebrow fashions change. Once you have destroyed the hair follicle's ability to grow hair, there is no comeback. So from an eyebrow perspective, think more along the lines of shaping what is there and removing a monobrow.

Maybe you'd like to get your underarms or your bikini line treated as you have disliked the other methods of treating the hair there.  Maybe the razor burn or the returning itch stubble frustrates you. Electrolysis can be very efficient at helping you realise this goal in these areas.

If you are interested in having facial and/or body hair treated, please contact Cathy.


The cost per electrolysis treatment for hair removal depends upon the duration of the appointment.

Initial consultation (approximately 30 minutes) - £40

15 minutes - £25

30 minutes - £40

45 minutes - £50

60 minutes - £70

Over 60 minutes - contact Cathy for pricing please 

Cancellation/rescheduling the appointments.

I have a 72 hour cancellation policy. Anything less than 72 hours I reserve the right to charge you the fee for the session we should have had, or ask for a deposit on future treatments.